
4 Common Auto Services Your Vehicle Needs

If you have a vehicle, then you probably know that the best way to keep it running well is to take care of its maintenance needs. In the realm of auto services, the golden rule is to provide a car with routine maintenance and help limit the need for major repairs. While there is no guarantee that your car, truck, or van won’t suffer a mishap that calls for a big repair or part replacement, there are common auto services that go a long way toward making that painful occurrence a lot less likely. Here are four common auto services that your vehicle will always need.

1. Fluid Checks

A car that is running low on fluids or needs to be replaced is a car on the edge of a mechanical danger zone. Every day, there is a car somewhere that suffers from some type of mechanical failure because the necessary fluids are not being monitored and tended to properly. One of the simplest things you can do to maintain your vehicle is to schedule routine maintenance and let an automotive professional give it a fluid assessment.

A skilled mechanic will check the essential fluid levels of the car’s system and make sure that each one of them is where it should be. If it’s been a while since you have had this service, then it’s been too long. Schedule a fluid check for your vehicle as soon as possible and avoid potential disaster.

2. Oil Changes

Oil changes are an essential service that cannot be ignored if you want your car to keep running. Routine oil changes will vary from car to car. If you rack up a lot of road miles, you’ll probably have to change the oil more frequently than a car that spends more time sitting in a parking space than on the road. Still, a good rule of thumb is to have the oil changed at least once a year for less-driven vehicles or every 5000 to 7500 miles for heavily driven cars.

Check the owner’s manual to get a specific idea of a good time frame to have regular oil changes and try to stick to it. You don’t want to neglect changing the oil, but you also don’t want to change it too often. Just make sure that when the time is right for an oil change, you get it done.

3. System Check-Up

If you’re in the market for a fluid check or oil change, it’s also a great time to have an overall system check-up. This is a common service that many vehicle owners tie into other routine maintenance. After all, the car is already there, and it will be in a prime position for a mechanic to give it a thorough look.

Many auto service centers run diagnostics during this time that can detect unseen issues and catch potential problems. This is a nice way for you to have the power to make preventative maintenance and repair decisions that help deter a major repair issue in the future. So, think about pairing a check-up with any other service that your car needs. You may be very grateful that you did.

4. Tire Treatments

Another common service that can prevent disaster and help protect your care is choosing to have the tires evaluated. If your car is riding rough or veering off to one side, tire rotation or wheel alignment could be a great remedy. If there is a slow leak, but the tire is in good condition, you may opt for a repair. If your tire tread is low, and it’s been a while since you got new tires, it may be time to replace them.

Whatever the tire service may be, make sure that you have the mechanic get a look at the tires. Bad tires can derail a car. Don’t take the chance and have your tires checked out.

Complete Auto Service in Downingtown, PA

Maclane’s Automotive – Lancaster Ave. is a full-service automotive center that provides comprehensive maintenance and repair solutions in the Downingtown, PA area. Highly trained and extremely experienced, we are the leading authority on automotive service. Give us a call at 610-590-9974 to schedule an essential auto service for your car, truck, or van.

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